The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9398   Message #61553
Posted By: Ian Kirk (inactive)
06-Mar-99 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Bald, fat & ugly
Subject: RE: Bald, fat & ugly
So I said to my barber "Why has the cost of your haircuts gone up over the years when the amount of hair on my head has significantly reduced?" He didn't reply but smiled in the knowing kind of way that suggested I had touched on a universal truth that barbers have been ripping off us bald blokes since the first barber opened for business.

If you are follicly challenged ask your barber for a quote per square inch, and why it is the bloke in the chair next door with hair like a St Bernard gets charged the same price. See if you get a sensible answer. Just make sure he has finished with the razor on the back of your neck before you ask the question.

