The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41735   Message #615627
Posted By: CapriUni
23-Dec-01 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
Subject: RE: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
I haven't gotten anything from my SS, either, Sinsull, so don't feel bad... Though, to be fair, I did say that it might just as well be a birthday prezzie in my case, so that would move it back a couple weeks.

But I am curious as to how my SS is planning on sending the package. Will it fit in my (large) mailbox? Or will the postman put in one of those little yellow slips of paper that says I have a package waiting at the Post Office (and if so, I hope it hasn't come already, and I threw out the little slip of paper with the junk mail by mistake... I don't think I have, but that is one of my recurring fears)? Or is it coming via FedEx or UPS? In which case, I'll have to hope I'm not in the shower when the doorbell rings...


As you can see, I have 'mail issues'...

Secret Santa -- if you're out there, could you ease my mind a little?