The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41735   Message #615766
Posted By: Morticia
24-Dec-01 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
Subject: RE: BS: Seventh Son of the Seventh Secret Santa
( I've posted this to both threads so Lyrical Lady will be sure to see it).
Oh boy!!! I decided since it was Xmas Eve, Santa would overlook my opening your present...( he will, won't he?).I'm a bit overwhelmed and a bit teary to be honest, what a treasure haul!Barbara,I honestly can't thank you enough. I opened one beautifully wrapped package,to find loads of equally beautifully wrapped little sit back and make yourself comfortable, this is going to take a while.On the first day of Xmas, Lyrical Lady sent to me: a package of maple tea ( I love herbal teas and have never even heard of maple tea) A cd by Valdy Smorgas Bard..which I am playing right now and LOVE! A tin of smoked salmon favourite, I can't think how you might have guessed that! A little hand-made soap in the shape of a sheep...far too good to ever use! Stones and shells from the beach....including a stone with a hole in, so I am going to look for a piece of ribbon in a minute so I can wear it...and a wishing stone and a good luck charm and a lovely piece of sea polished glass a map of where LL comes from,and some cards from the local area....pretty enough to frame and a 'friendship bag'...this was where I got teary...which has all sorts of useful things like a quarter to make phone call, a marble ( for when I lose one of mine), a candle, a happy face sticker and a little umbrella for "singing in life's showers".

I feel blessed, spoilt and blissful....thank you Barbara, thank you Clinton for a brilliant idea and thank you Max for thinking up the Mudcat Cafe.( Oh dear, this is getting a bit like an Oscar speech).Merry Xmas to everyone and, yes,Mary, I will send a picture when I find the camera.