The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42434   Message #616393
Posted By: JedMarum
26-Dec-01 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: I Think I Grew
Subject: I Think I Grew
Been singin' a lot, these days; regular gigs, Christmas parties and the like ... but I think I've been having too much fun; too many cookies, pieces of pie, turkey, nuts ... etc. I've enjoyed Christmas, but I'll be glad when it's over.

I bought one of those American Flag decals, you the kind John Prine sang about? I gave it to my wife for a little Christmas gift - you know we're not big on the outward signs of any type, but this little token seemed appropriate. So I decided to put it in one of those little card-type envelopes people on Christmas tress, you know like your Aunt used to put in five dollars when she was too old to know what to get you? But I didn't have one, so I looked around the house and found a Thank You card, with an enveloped that looked like it work - so I used the "Thank You" message on the front, and signed it inside "... for marrying me and Merry Christmas!" (We just celebrated 31 years married last week). Then I also enclosed the little flag. Well, here I was thinking I was being just a bit silly turning a Thank You card into a Christmas gift - and I think it turned out to be the best thing I gave her. She was very happy. It put a smile on my Christmas face, I can tell you!

Now, if I could just get into my jeans ...