The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42434   Message #616622
Posted By: catspaw49
26-Dec-01 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: I Think I Grew
Subject: RE: I Think I Grew
Great story Jed!

When Karen and I first married, I was coming off an insane business venture that left me totally broke. Right after we married in October, we moved back to Ohio and our first Christmas was spent living with Denny and Sue, two very dear and close friends. As a ,atter of fact, Karen was still in Georgia qnd I was looking for work up here. Denny and Sue surprised me by sending her a ticket so she could come up and be with me for Christmas.

Denny was extremely busy and had me go out and buy Sue's presents that year. He gave me a list and a wad of cash and said for me to buy Karen some things too. I couldn't do that.....He was my dearest and closest friend, but I was already mooching food and lodging and borrowing a car for gawdsakes. I went out and even did a good job picking the right gifts as Sue's tastes were well known to me's nice to be trusted that much! In any case, at one store they were giving away a promotional stuffed bear, very cute, and quite an expensive type of stuffed toy too. I bought Sue's watch there and got the bear and told Den I'd give it to Karen if it was okay. He, being Denny, thought I was nuts and tried to give me a hundred bucks to go out and shop for Karen, but like I said, I couldn't go that far.

So Christmas morning, Karen got her bear. It wasn't much obviously, but she loved it. When I think back to our first 6 months of marriage I am amazed that she hung in there with me. Since then, on every Christmas, no matter what else she gets, Karen always gets a bear. This year's was sad looking and loveable little guy, purple chenille, and very soft. We're getting quite a nice collection and I hope it continues to grow, as has our love.
