The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9515   Message #61707
Posted By: Allan S,
07-Mar-99 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Barnyards of Delgaty
Subject: RE: barnyards of delgaty
THanks every one I just found an other verson of that verse in 101 Scottish songs Norman Buchan COLLINS 1962

My caun'le noo it is burnt oot
Its lowe is Fairly on the wane
Sae fare ye weel ye Barnyards
Ye'll never catch me here again

So I guess it could either refer to time left to serve. Strangely there are 2 more verses that I have never heard:

Its lang Jean Scott that maks ma bed
you can see the marks upon my shins
for shes the coorse ill-trickit Jaud
THat fills my bed wi Prickly whins

Meg McPherson maks my brose
an her an me we canna gree
first a mote and syne a knot
an aye the ither jilp o" bree

Im not sure about the marks upon my shins {the result of thrashing about?? Fucking??

Mote, Knot, Jilp o Bree????? THe only place I have heard the word Mote used is Masonic degree work. Any ideas Allan S.