The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7865   Message #618247
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Dec-01 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Why I Hate Folk Music
Subject: RE: 'Wny I Hate Folk Music'
Ah, yes, but we have to decide what folk music is, before we can fully evaluate Griel Marcus's opinion of it. Let's put Griel Marcus to work, and give him a week to come up with an absolutely ironclad definition of the term "folk music" so that we can all know for sure just what it is that he hates, and why.

Let's see if Griel's brilliant mind can solve what no one else has been able to...that thorny question: "What is Folk Music?"

Then we can determine whether he has a valid reason to hate it.

If so, then he would be hating something of his own creation, namely his unique mental concept of what folk music is, and he would have only himself to blame for it.

As for "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", it is a song that could sound self-righteous, I suppose, depending on how it was sung...but it usually doesn't...not to me, at least...whether or not it uses the word "we" or "they". It sounds more regretful and mournful than anything else.

- LH