The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9821   Message #619569
Posted By: GUEST,
01-Jan-02 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Billy Venero / Bill Vanero
Subject: Old recording
The title is not available ,but could have something to do with "Billy Vanero", a name mentioned in the song this is what we have "cow ranch 40 miles away ,Was a little place that lay,In a deep and shady valley, Of a mighty wilderness." second verse,"Half a score of homes were there,Where he won the madien fair ,That held the heart of "Billy Vanero",Billy Vanero's little Bess." now here there could be verses missing ,and now we have "I will save her yes he cried,Bessie Lee shall know i tried,For there's danger at the cow ranch,Said Vanero under his breath" would like the verses,chords an tune if possible,many thanks =-=-= PENNPAP =-=-=