The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9550   Message #61958
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
08-Mar-99 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding's Lifeline CD
Subject: Rick Fielding's Lifeline CD
Just came in from my deck, where I was sitting in the sun and listening to the early spring breeze sigh in the conifers. Had Rick's CD on the player, and it was just about the perfect soundtrack for this kind of a day. The man has a very fine voice, and I hope he takes it as the complement I intend when I say it's evocative of Gordon Lightfoot. And the guy can flat out play guitar (slide and fingerpicking) as well as a mean banjo.

"If Jesus was a Picker" is a classic. What's that about filling the Church with "grass" though, Rick? :)

Yep, sorry I waited so long to get this cd of Rick Fielding's. You can bet it'll get some play time now. If Rick can't be here a-twistin' one up on the deck with ol Lonesome, then "Lifeline" is surely the next best thing. ...LEJ