The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1611   Message #6197
Posted By:
04-Jun-97 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lost in Catalonia? (De Dannan)
Subject: RE: LYR REQ: Lost in Catalonia
The song looked for is definitely called "Catalonia". I can't provide the lyrics for in each of the many verses of this beautiful song several words defy my attempts to understand them but as a help for the search, it starts like this: There's blue skies across the bay sunshine on december days and white horses over the (maize?) that fall (on?) Catalonia. The northern winter's dull and grey and (be??) so easily slips away and many's the young ones sent away to fight in Caledonia. Barcelona's dressed in banners bright and ballad singers in the night... regards Wolfgang