The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42549   Message #620178
Posted By: Deckman
02-Jan-02 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: Ballad of the Merry Ferry -songs of the Northwest
Subject: RE: Ballad of the Merry Ferry (Pacific NW)
Mark ... I'm also a HUGE fan Of Linda. I suspect that you and I were both at that gathering at Johns. One of the finest ballads, in my opinion, of Linda's is "The Ballad of Laura Law." I grew up with this tale. My Father is Finnish, and as such his family had strong ties to the Finnish community in Aberdeen, Washington. Every year, when my Father was a youngster, his family traveled from another side of the state and visited with friends in Aberdeen. Lo these many years ago, it turned out that Father had met Laura, and her husband Dick. When I sang him the song he was amazed. By the way Mark, when I first visited Honolulu some time ago, I was amazed to realize that the highway signs read perfectly in Finnish! True, same vowells, absence of consonants. The only time it got weird was when I would pronounce the highway sign names with traditional Finnish pronounciation. All the locals would just shake their heads and walk away complaining about the damned howlies!(sp?) CHEERS, Bob