The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42620   Message #620282
Posted By: Trevor
03-Jan-02 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Did You Do on New Year's Day?
Subject: RE: BS: What Did You Do on New Year's Day?
I went to the Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery.

So you're driving through the foresty bits of the Scottish borders and suddenly there's a huge Buddhist temple appears out of the trees, take-your-breath-away beautiful. The place and its surroundings are peaceful and, for me, the minute I walk in there I feel a sense of peace and this huge tranquil space opening up in my head.

Half-past ten, lighting of 1000 butterlamps; half-past eleven, chanting of prayers in the temple (I'm not a Buddhist and don't understand what's being said but the sound and the devotion just moves me); ten-to twelve, lights dimmed and twenty minutes of almost-silence for meditation, just the low hum of some chanting their mantra; ten-past twelve, lights back up and everyone wishing each other Happy New Year, with smiles and hugs (and not pissed!); Tibetan monks laughing, touching foreheads, slapping each other on the back.

Waah! Waah! I wanna go back!