The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42620   Message #620556
Posted By: Hawker
03-Jan-02 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Did You Do on New Year's Day?
Subject: RE: BS: What Did You Do on New Year's Day?
My mother told me when I waslittle that whatever you do on New Years Day, you do all the year round, I know its probably an old wives tale, but even now, I try to ensure that I don't do anything too silly! This year, we enjoyed the company of the friends who were unable to drive home from our Party, we sang, drank and had a lovely day, chatting about old times, old frineds etc. I even managed to put down the words to a song Ive been planning to write for a while. Hope for a good 2002 to you all, Lucy