The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9497   Message #62066
Posted By: BeesWing
09-Mar-99 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: Hey- Am I the only one out there?
Subject: RE: Hey- Am I the only one out there?
You are in good company Sarah. Still in my 30's, and have been living the folk tradition since My eldest sis brought home Joni Mitchel and Donovan!( In LP format of course!!) From there I explored traditional folk from the British isles ie June Tabor, Maggie Boyle, Chieftans,Richard Thompson, etc. Now, I work on original comp ( yes including protest songs!) and am influenced by the songwriters of Canadian folk scene ie James Keeleghan, and the late Stan Rodgers I do have trouble finding those who are interested in this kind of music- no matter what the age because I live in a rural -primarily french speaking part of the country( Canada). That's why THE MUDCAT IS THE GREATEST!!!*SMILE*