The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42353   Message #620667
Posted By: robomatic
03-Jan-02 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: I want to start a new LOTR discussion!
Subject: RE: I want to start a new LOTR discussion!
I read the LOTR in college because all my friends had. It didn't grab me. I don't think it was not a great series, I think the subject matter just didn't draw me in. It struck me as fantasy when I was a sci-fi sort of guy. Which brings me to Star Wars. What an over-rated, un-imaginative series it has proved to be. The only reason I can conceive people like it is number one, the hype, and number two, if people can think of The Ring Cycle as high art when it is 90% making big things go loudly about the stage, I guess the same applies to movies.

I'm not planning to see LOTR which is a shame, I know it's got to be better than SWARS and I did see those losers.