The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42660   Message #620964
Posted By: gnu
04-Jan-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Buying a house; your best tips?
Subject: RE: BS: Buying a house; your best tips?
Re the home inspection, most important are the qualifications of the inspector. Almost as important is the liabilty of the inspector under contract. I know of a guy who is "certified" by a national organization. He bought a franchise and became a member of the local real estate organization, got a lot of referrals from real estate agents, wrote the exam and got certified. He had no previous experience or training in building construction or building codes. I've had a LOT of complaints about this guy. His contract limits liability to the price of the inspection. Shop for an inspector before you make an offer to purchase and read the contract BEFORE you choose an inspector.

Above all, remember that an inspection is not a guarantee or an insurance. No one can eliminate risk, but it can be reduced. BEWARE of companies offering limited guarantees. Usually, the limitations virtually absolve the inspector of any liability by time period and by what's covered. BEWARE of any inspector who is a member of the local real estate organization.

Try, the LEADERS in home inspection... they do not franchise, but their reporting system and Home Reference Maqnual are tops in the business, and the most widely used in North America. There is also an excellent disussion of frequently asked questions at A&E Building Inspection and Engineering. You can link to A&E's page through Carson Dunlop's site under "links". I think it's under "Finding a Home Inspector" near the bottom of the Links Page.

If you have any specific questions regarding home inspections, home inspection franchises, or the home you are considering purchasing, just ask me. Only too glad to help.

Don't expect - inspect !