The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42353   Message #621409
Posted By: The Shambles
05-Jan-02 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: I want to start a new LOTR discussion!
Subject: RE: I want to start a new LOTR discussion!
Shambles, it could have been worse but it also could have been better. David Lynch did his best when he made Dune, but that didn't stop it from sucking. I'm not saying LOTR sucked (it didn't), but it was as many have said on this thread, a sped-up, dumbed-down, action-flick version of the story. To some extent this is inevitable, and as I've said before they made a good movie. But it hasn't got the greatness factor of really classic movies, and I think in time this will be recognized. We'll have to wait and see, though.

That is about right but I feel the general impresion that would be gained from reading the quibbles in these threads by someone who had not seen the film (or the director), would most probably be that it did suck.

Although some of the issues are inevitable in making a big budget blockbuster in the 2000s, to his great credit the director has has avoided many of these problems and temptations.

Only time will tell if it is to be considered a great movie it is true, but I would say with some relief it is certainly a fine and creditable effort.