The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9561 Message #62196
Posted By: Barbara
10-Mar-99 - 02:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lower the Boat Down / ...the Yawl Boat...
Matthew, I think you're talking about "Old Zeb", a song by Larry Kaplan? For a fast course in italics, bold, line breaks and such, use the Forum search to find the thread on HTML. Italics are created by typing [i] at the beginning of the phrase to be italicized, and [/i] at the end, only use angle brackets instead of square ones. Here are the verses I can recall offhand; and I'll dig out the file in the morning:
Seven old hookers come drivin' the bay Oh, lower the boat down, And the lovely old Alice was leading the way, Lower the yawl boat down
We drove her so hard off Pemaquid Neck The old man was thinkin' we'd broken her back,
There's only one thing that grieves me It's my poor wife and baby,
We've blown her mains'l and torn her fore But the dear old lady will sail no more,
This (foolish?) old woman from Buzzard's Bay, She drove her to hell and left her to stay,
There's only one thing that grieves me, That's my poor wife and baby,
The women are women and the men are men, And the ships will sail when the women stay home,