The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9561   Message #62205
Posted By: Steve Parkes
10-Mar-99 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lower the Boat Down / ...the Yawl Boat...
Subject: RE: Lyrics to
For anyone who's wondering:

a yawl is a two-masted boat with the after mast behind the steering gear: if the mast is before the steering gear, it's a ketch if the after mast (mizzen) is shorter than the foward mast (main); it's a schooner if the after mast (main) is taller than the forward mast (fore). All clear?

Oh, and a hooker is boat with a style of rigging (which escapes me for the moment), and not, er, something else.

Steve "hands to the futtocks" Parkes