The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42572   Message #622952
Posted By: Áine
07-Jan-02 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 78
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 78
derrymacash is absolutely right, Calico -- It's never too late for a Song Challenge! -- and yours is an excellent submission; proof once again that it's better late than never! ;-) And for your 'daring' effort, you are hereby awarded The Golden Cow Chip Award With Memorial MMario Silverplated Spittoon (The GCCWMMSPS is awarded to the Challenge! entry which evokes an instantaneous bubbling up of frothy mirth from out of the lips of the Keeper of the Book and onto her monitor screen)

Congratulations, Calico -- And I know we're all hoping that you'll become a permanent part of the Challenge! party!!

-- Áine