The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42549   Message #623090
Posted By: Deckman
07-Jan-02 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Ballad of the Merry Ferry -songs of the Northwest
Subject: Lyr Add: SOCIAL DECLINE
As long as I've quoted one song from Ivar Hauglunds small book "The Ivar Book of Ballads," I'll go ahead and quote something more. Ivar was an extremly complex and PRIVATE person. I have heard tales, and seen some pictures, that show Ivar, during the late 1940's hanging out with Woody Gutherie and with Burl Ives. Yet when I asked him about these times, he closed up like a clam (sorry about that). Yet I KNOW that there was a lot of rebel in his soul. As one evidence, look at the two added verses to his anthem, "Acres of Clams." These verses were added under the heading of

"Social Decline."

Some say that country's improvin',
And boast of it's commerce and trade,
But measured by social enjoyment,
I find it has sadly decayed.
In pioneer days on the s-o-u-n-d
When pee-pul had little to wear
And sub-sisted on clams th' year 'round
We'd a hearty good fellowship there-

At our gath'rin's for pastorial pleasure
Dance, picnic or social knockdown,
One man wuz as good as another-r-r-
No kind of dis-tinc-tion wuz shown.
But now when I go to a pa-a-a-r-t-y
The pee-pul around me seem fr-o-o-o-ze,
They dare not be social and hearty
Fer fear they may soil their store clothes

It doesn't take much imagination to read these verses and hear the rebel voice coming through. I tried several times over the years to get to know him better, but I never succeeded, and I don't know anyone who really did. He was a successful business man, self made, and he damned well kept to himself. But, on the few occasions he opened up, he was a real Northwest treasure. CHEERS, Bob