The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42883   Message #623938
Posted By: Anglo
09-Jan-02 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: Help: Coast of Peru
Subject: RE: Help: COAST OF PERU
The tune in the DT, with Gale Huntington's text, is from Gale Huntington's book, and he possibly got it from Harlow, "Chanteying Aboard American Ships." (I don't have a copy of that so I can't check). Huntington used whalebook logs to find his texts, but having got them, used other sources to find tunes for them. He cites Colcord's "Songs of American Sailormen" as a reference to Coast of Peru - there's a related tune there, but it's not quite the same. The Polish tune referenced above (Brzegi Peru (2) - not the one correctly identified by Chanteyranger) is another variant, more a simplification, of the same tune.

Doerflinger published a text (in the DT) but no tune, so take your pick.

Phil Garland's notes state that his New Zealand version was collected in the States by John Leebrick, who was also responsible for bringing Davy Lowston to light. The tune is in 4 rather than 3; there are a couple of places where the contour is similar to the Huntington tune, but it's certainly not the same.

Is all this confusing enough, MMario? I suppose a simple answer to your original question would be "No."