The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42911   Message #624434
Posted By: kendall
09-Jan-02 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: Help: Price of Cigarettes - How Much????
Subject: RE: Help: Price of Cigarettes - How Much????
Too bad we dont have a program that would work for everyone. I tried every "aid" there was, gum, patch and hypnotism. Nothing did it for me. Then, I realized that nothing COULD do it FOR me. It was totally up to me, and when that sunk in I was on my way. I picked a date, stopped smoking and I havn't had one since. That was over 5 years ago. As long as you think you cant quit, your addiction is in charge, and, you wont quit. And, as long as you tell yourself you "enjoy" it, you wont even try.