The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42947   Message #624705
Posted By: Paddy Plastique
10-Jan-02 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: Help: HELP Guitar Sounds like a Harpsichord !
Subject: HELP Guitar Sounds like a Harpsichord !!
I'm not much of a 'muso' so forgive me if the technical terms elude me. I recently re-strung my guitar while at the same time trying to bring the action down a bit (by filing that yoke/thingymajig that hold the strings up just after the pegs). Since I've done so it sounds uncannily like a harpsichord - rings sort of hollow. Can anyone give me a diagnosis ? I also fitted slightly lighter gauge strings - but I think it's due to the thingymajig being badly filed ... thanks for any help