.....Let's kick this sucker off!!!
JOE OFFER, THIS IS YOUR PARTY!!!!....Put on your PARTY HAT and let's get started.
Joe's Stag Party is right here in the Tavern and we have cleaned up the joint and decorated with a lot of really cheap decorations. Hope you don't mind the orange and black streamers, but I got a helluva' price on them after Halloween. The Jell-O Pit is filled with fresh lime Jell-O and thongs are hanging on the rack to the right. Sign-up for matches at the bar by Peter T.'s wacky coffee machine. Cleigh O'Possum is here by the door and offers free toots up his bum to all!!!
A lot of the inmates from the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed are in the Possum Room and will be playing all day on Tiple and Noseflute. If you have some songs, just break in on them and sing out! Besides, the only thing they know is the Oscar Mayer Wiener ditty so please break in at any time!!! If you need someone to accompany you, the Waylon Heron is in there to and at the ready.
No Stag Party is complete without some Porn Pix so we've contracted with The Green Guy at the Link-O-Rama to provide something for everyone!!! Scroll down about halfway and check out the Categories and Go For It! Lots of free sites so it don't cost a thing. For some of you more bizarro types, check out the "Hairy Preggo in Latex Blows a Horse" Category.
CHALLENGES: Alison in Oz got us off to a good start so here's a list for Joe and any of you who want to volunteer to help Joe out here (spankings, ice cubes, etc.) go right ahead and feel free to ADD MORE!!! Here's a starter list:
Down a drink in one!
Snog a girl
Collect a bra
Colect some panties
Get a FIVE girls to spank your bare behind FIVE times
Dance through a song with underwear on your head
Dance sexily with a girl and talk dirty in her ear
BEG a girl to throw a drink in your face!
Get on your knees and serenade a girl
Let a girl put some ice cubes down your pants and fish them out.
Have some 'Catters paint your bald spot
All drinks are free compliments of Bert (as usual) so feel free to get completely pissed. Flamingos, Llahmas, Possums, Aardvarks, and Chickens are all out on the back stoop so Kendall, Micca, Doug, and any of the rest of you bestiality types can get a nut! The area is being monitored by The Reg Boys and The Little Pissant so be sure to sign in before selecting your perversion of choice...and take a free "Art Thieme Mudcat Condom" with a pun on each one!
I am counting on all of you to add in some free food to the food table, but I thought I'd start it off with Shrimp (in honor of Joe)......They've been steamed over beer, vinegar, and Old Bay, and the sauce is heavy on horseradish so grab a brew first!
Please keep the restrooms clean and feel free to use as much toilet paper as you like since it's just pages from copies of "Rise Up Singing."
AND....Over there to the left of the Jell-O Pit you see a table with a potter's wheel and a big tub of clay. All are invited to try their hand at making the most phallic looking lighthouse possible. Paw and Buford are manning this station. Paw has had a steady diet of rare beef, milk, and beans, for three days and Buford has his Zippo at the ready so Paw can "fire" your creation after which you can paint it if you like. We'll judge the best one and give it to Joe and Christina as a wedding present. The rest can be taken home by Mudcat Bachelorettes as party favors.
So Bring It All On Folks!!! Eat, Drink, Sing, and Be Merry......and WEIRD as you like.........IT'S THE OFFICIAL MUDCAT JOE OFFER STAG PARTY AND IT'S UNDERWAY NOW!!!!!!!!!!