The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42952   Message #625004
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Jan-02 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Subject: RE: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Sounds like one helluva' tale Rick!!

JE....I've been looking for someone to voluteer as the "Cake Girl" and since you're the first, the job is yours!!!! Just do me a favor and don't torch any Kestrels in the process huh? We'll bring out the cake later so get undressed and put on this costume..................Yeah, I know it's just a chain belt with a whistle hanging from it, but you'll look good...........really...............please?..........
