The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42952   Message #625050
Posted By: Jeri
10-Jan-02 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Subject: RE: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
I don't know if I can hang around here very long.

Not only do I HAVE A NEW GUITAR, and I'm subsequently having my own guitar honeymoon, but I FOUND THE DAMNED PENNYWHISTLE!!! Yesiree, the expensive whistle I mentioned in the "Slovenly Mudcatters," or whatever it was, thread. I set it down a year ago and hadn't seen it since, but today, I FOUND IT! I cleaned something and FOUND IT! (OK, I only cleaned that area because the pile tipped over, but I did clean it.)

My baby looks a lot like this. Rick introduced us, and we met at the Twelfth Fret, and...

OK, I can hear you all thinking "Get a room...or at least your own bl**dy thread!"

Anyway, I'm having my own party, with my own bottle of champagne. (The guitar doesn't drink.)