The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625108
Posted By: Ron Olesko
10-Jan-02 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas

You are right, unfortunately. To me it seems a shame that we need to make up an excuse for giving gifts or expressing love. At least with the other holidays that were mentioned, the giving of gifts is a by-product and not necessarily the purpose of the holiday. It seems a shame that days like Martin Luther King Day and Presidents Day are now perceived as a day to buy stereos and refrigerators on sale. People tend to forget the reason we celebrate.

Don't get me wrong, days like Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents Day, and Second Cousin Weekend do serve to remind us of those close to us.

You are right, sometimes it does take a holiday to get people together. We've all become so busy in our lives that we can't get together for the sake of getting together unless it is tied into a holiday. It is a shame.

The only reason I questioned the original note was that it seems "almost" to be a case of wanting the best of all worlds. Mrzzy has issues with celebrating a religous holiday, which I respect 100%. If the feeling is that strong it just seems unusual for wanting to take the symbols and themes of the holiday and making it serve another purpose.

Truthly, that is EXACTLY what the Church did when they incorporated pagan celebrations and createed the Christmas holiday.

This is an interesting thread - lots of food for thought.
