The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625227
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
10-Jan-02 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
I don't often disagree with Joe Offer, and when he's taken the time to write this week when he's got bigger matters on his mind seesm ungracious, but it's not a serius disagreement.

"I can certainly see how it would be offensive to non-Christians to have all this Christ-stuff from early October until the after-Christmas sales end in February."

I can't. I've don't feel the least bit uncomfortable about Muslims celebrating Ramadan and Id-al-fitar, or Jews celebrasting Passover and Hanukah , or Hindus with Divali and Holiand so forth. The more celebrations the better, and the more we all feel invited to join in them the better still.

I'm all for a mid-winter hiliday.But it shouldn't be at Christmas, which, as has been pointed out, comes before winter has really set in. Have it a few weeks later in real mid-winter, when we need cheering up. Round about Candlemas, which is February 2nd.

And best of luck for Offer Day on Saturday. Chris-Offer day. Now that's another real mid-winter celebration.