The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625241
Posted By: Lepus Rex
10-Jan-02 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Interesting thread...

My view: I'm agnostic (Well, athiest, if we're talking about X-ianity:) ), but I don't have a problem with celebrating x-mas. I swap gifts with family and friends, sometimes even respectfully pretending to say grace to their 'God' at dinner. And I call it 'Christmas,' too, even though the closest thing to a religious symbol in my home is a stuffed Cthulhu doll. I know all the religious bits of the holiday are silly and obsolete, and playing along isn't going to insult any baby-eating monkey gods that I worship, since I don't. So what's the problem? None, for me. I don't feel threatened by the make-believe godlings of the Middle East or their followers. I know that I'm right, and that anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. So... what the Hell was my point?

Ah, yes: So, Mrry, I don't know what your (or your family's) religious orientation is, but if it's the case that you don't believe in any gods, why bother worrying about what to call X-mas? Isn't it just a word, one used to describe a holiday with rituals that are pretty much identical to the one your family wants to 'create?' And wouldn't it just be a pain in the ass to explain to 'outsiders,' something that would distance you from your peers (sometimes a good thing, heh) and give them the impression your family is unbelievably PC? Just curious.

Also, how would Santa Claus be OK for your celebration, Mrrzy? Yes, he's a jolly, secular-feeling, 'elf,' but he is also St.Nicholas, after all. :)
---Lepus Rex

(And, what, no one's mentioned Festivus?)