The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9593   Message #62537
Posted By: Tim Jaques
11-Mar-99 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: Uillean Pipes Little irritating facts
Subject: RE: Uillean Pipes Little irritating facts
No, the painter, being Dutch, would presumably have been depicting pipers in Flanders.

The fact that tunes were first printed in England might perhaps have to do with the fact that the English had the bulk of the printing presses. But that the tunes were printed there and presumably the books sold there should show that the English didn't have any particular prejudice against Scottish or Irish dance tunes.

Incidently, except for his distant ancestry there was little that was Scottish about Bonnie Prince Charlie any more than there was much Scottish about Charles II or his brother James. Bonnie Charlie probably presented himself very much like a well-bred Frenchman, since that is where he was raised.