The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42952   Message #625408
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Jan-02 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Subject: RE: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Yeah, right, I can just see myself in a thong... LOL! I'm sure Sorcha could easily "kick my ass", but whether she will get the chance to is entirely another matter.

For some reason I usually just don't find sexual innuendo of this sort to be very funny. It's tedious. It does nothing for me.

If I could I would hijack this thread and turn it to a more useful purpose, but I know a dead pig when I see one! It would be like trying to milk a frog or teach a slug to dance the hula. It would be like talking with Osama about the merits of non-violence. Hopeless.

Anybody got some mulled cider? I'm thirsty.

- LH