The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42925   Message #625511
Posted By: DougR
10-Jan-02 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
Well, Kendall, I'll accept your challenge. I'll bet you a Yankee dime that the administration does nothing to stall the investigation. Ok?

Guest: I really hate to respond to people who don't have the guts to identify themselves, but here goes. The Attorney General was not FORCED to recuse himself. As an honorable person, he recused himself. If you know otherwise, show me the proof, por favor.

How about a Special Counsel? Hire the most talented Democrat that can be found to do the job! I don't think she can find a shred of evidence that the Bush administration did anything wrong in relation to Enron. Kendall: the 250 million figure you report is, I think, a bit higher than what the press is reporting. You got some inside information? If so, I think Senator Daschle would love to hear from you!

Now as to Ralph Nader, I'm with you there! Vote for Nader! :>)
