The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625587
Posted By: Jimmy C
11-Jan-02 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Christmas is a christian feast. If you want to have a non-christian day do so, but pick a different date, there are lots to go around. I do not like the word Xmas as it is (I believe) a way of crossing Christ out of Christmas. I will not buy any cards that have the word Xmas on them, I will not shop in any store that has Xmas sales etc. It is a Christian holiday, period. The tree etc I can do without, The focal point of the holiday is Christ. Presents, tinsel, turkey etc all evolved innocently enough throughout the years, now it is out of hand, it's commercialized to the stage of overkill. I am not Jewish, I do not celebrate Jewish feasts but I have enough respect for the Jewish faith and the Jewish people to refer to their feast days by their proper names, the same goes for all other religions. Christmas is Christmas, not Xmas, not yuletide, not The Festive Season etc, it is Christmas.