The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15852   Message #625599
Posted By: Joan from Wigan
11-Jan-02 - 03:05 AM
Thread Name: Anybody know what happened to Peter Bond
Subject: RE: Anybody know what happened to Peter Bond
Yes, oh for Peter to be gigging again! In days gone by when he had done a gig in Wigan for me, I would make him a "runny egg butty", apparently a taste he acquired in his engineering days. His gigs were magic, and he even once turned up on a singer's night and joined in the fun - something not too many professionals do.

Trevor, you are no longer "he who is not mentioned". A belated "Welcome to Mudcat", and do consider becoming a member - it's free and has many advantages (see the FAQ thread at the top of the Forum). I too "lurked" invisibly, reading threads, searching for songs, and occasionally posting as a 'Guest' before joining - I've never looked back. Click on the Membership link at the top of the page, and do come back and tell us something about yourself.
