The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42925   Message #625616
Posted By: katlaughing
11-Jan-02 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
DougeR? You said, The feeling that I get from our current president is that his primary interest is to do the best job he can do for the American people during the next eight years, as he sees it.

When did we elect Dumbya to another four years? Did they steal a future election, too? Or are you just psychic?

Tweed, I get the same feeling and am unable to even look at him; harldy able to stomach listening to him. HE is just a puppet of his father, Cheney, and the other good ol' boys. The White House has become like another Wyoming - run by good ol' boys of oil with nothing but profit in mind for themselves and their cronies and they do NOT care how they get it.