The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625675
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
11-Jan-02 - 08:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Good discussion indeed! Filled an otherwise dull lunch break with interest:-)

My only contribution would be to ask the question why would anyone want to get rid of anything from any festival? Surely the point of the festival, tradition or whatever is to celebrate something.

From my point of view, the more the merrier! I will celebrate Christmas, Hannuhkah, End of Ramadan, Chinese Ney Year, the Cats birthday - ANYTHING! I enjoy the lot.

We are all big enough to live with each others traditions, religions, colours and tastes. None of us know that much that we cannot get something out of someone elses viewpoint. We can all join in the joy of our fellows, whether we agree with what gives them that joy or not. (OK perhaps we wouldn't want to celebrate along with Charles Mansun but lets not get picky...;-))

I'm sure I would enjoy the 4th of July if I was over there at the time. I would certainly NOT want to take all references to America out of it just because I am not American!

Cheers and a happy Gnome-thwannp to you all.

BTW - I found Dave Butler's Multicultural Holiday Music Page while I was having a browse - looks quite good.