The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42952   Message #625803
Posted By: Amos
11-Jan-02 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Subject: RE: BS: JoeOfferSTAG(nant)PARTY*X-RatedTavern
Katnasty!!! LOL!!! Ya ever wonder what people think about while waiting to jump out of a cake? I never did!!

Who's tending bar in this place? Could ya slip a little tube in here -- hook it up to the Guinness... Oh, and the lady will have... Remy Martin 1928, ...just a little, or we'll need four tubes in here!!! Hey, what's this!??!! An epiphany-inducing apparition from the Temple of the Golden Globes!! I'm having a religous experience in here!!...

Let's practice, then... for when you jump out....

There is a ship
She sails the sea
Loaded as deep as deep can be

But not as deep
As this love I am in
And know not how I sink, or swim....

Sounds good....guess we got it. Guess we just wait for someone to blow the whistle, huh? Never heard of a folksinging cakejumper. But there's a first time for evverything. Here....need some help with that icing? I remember when I was a little kid my mom always useta let me lick the bowl....