The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9561   Message #62589
Posted By: Steve Parkes
12-Mar-99 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lower the Boat Down / ...the Yawl Boat...
Subject: RE: Lyrics to Lower the Boat Down
Jo, bostin' means excellent, as in this example of Aynuk at the seaside (Great Yarmouth):

Aynuk: They'm bostin' pigeons, they am, maert.
Local: Tha' be gulls, bor.
Aynuk: Gals or b'ys, they'm bostin'!

Hope this clears it up.

Enjoyed the boats, Philippa.

Barabara, a small boat would have a tiller rather than a wheel.

I'm going to stop now, even though it may be too late!!


P.S. I believe in the US they have a kind of pulse called a Bostin' bean?