The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42925   Message #625895
Posted By: LoopySanchez
11-Jan-02 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush dumps fuel efficiency plan
I'll try this again. Feel free to delete the earlier version of this post, anyone who has the power to do so. Thanks!

The liberal lexicon book of phrases (definitions translated into English:

"Reasoned, well thought out political discussions"--Two liberals agreeing with each other on a political concept despite the absence of facts to support their position.

"Vapid Republicans"-Anyone who dares to present another viewpoint containing facts that dispute a liberal's pre-conceived notions about an issue.

"Trolling"--A term used by nameless GUESTS when referring to the actions of a person with an actual identity who states a viewpoint contrary to their own.

"They obviously don't get to read much"--They have the audacity not beileve every word printed in editorial sections of the New York Times and Washington Post.

Getting the truth from Fox News--1. Listening to a news source whose idea of a fair debate is not three liberals and a moderate versus a conservative. 2. Listening to a news source that actually uses the words "Liberal" and "Left Wing" when referring to groups and views that are liberal and left wing, unlike the other 4 networks whose collective vocabularies define liberal and left-wing groups as the norm, and refer to all who oppose them as "Right Wing" and "Conservative". 3. Listening to a news source which has the other four networks scared shitless because they're stealing away viewers.