The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625898
Posted By: Mrrzy
11-Jan-02 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
O for crying out loud. Please do not make everything that is nice, sacred. Please. That is the worst possible case of foisting your religious beliefs on others. My awareness of reality doesn't make anything holy, or anything at all for that matter, Heisenberg or the quantum physicists notwithstanding. Sorry, Dani, but the bumpersticker that says God, save me from Your followers springs to mind. The time I spend with my loved ones is CHERISHED. It is NOT sacred, since BY DEFINITION that would make, say, having a crying meltdown during that time, sacrilege or blasphemy or an offense against somebody's (yours, very likely) god. Really! Sounds like the Jews I went to college with, telling me I HAD TO BE Jewish because some of my maternal relatives were offed in the Holocaust. Please.

On the other hand, Lepus - the Airing of Grievances is a great addition to my yuletide or whatever! And instead of the Feats of Strength, we have the Telling of Old Tales, like the time I flooded the whole house reading Spiderman comics "while" the bathtub filled... Maybe since we are so matriarchal, the Feats of Strength have gone by the wayside... but I'd have to draw the line at the pole, though. As the African once told me (when asked why his tribe didn't eat white people) - what do THEY represent? Gotta have that greenery somewhere...? Quick, somebody ask George!