The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625931
Posted By: Ron Olesko
11-Jan-02 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Mrrzy -

I'm glad you responded again. You did a better job of clarifying what you were trying to accomplish. My initial response was based on a different take on what I read. From your response it seems like you are trying to create a wonderful event for YOUR family, an idea which is very admirable.

One clarification on something I said that you questioned - the religious connection with gift giving is simple - gifts were given to symbolize the Magi's gifts to the Christ Child, as well as the connection with the legend of the real St. Nicholas.

You are right, there needs to be nothing religious about giving a gift. I look at Christmas as a celebration of various cultures and folklores. The stories behind the various symbols of the season to me show the diversity of the holiday. Whether one chooses to celebrate the religious significance is a personal choice.

It is the same with St.Patrick's Day - you don't have to be Irish to appreciate the culture. You don't have to be a Native American or a Pilgrim to celebrate Thanksgiving.

As you pointed out, there is an assumed Christian society that we live in. It is nearly impossible to divest from all the vestiges of religion (check the printing on your money!) and finding common ground is rough.

You've taken on an enormous task. I wish you luck and congratulate you for attempting to do something that brings the family together. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, use the existing symbols to take on new meaning in your celebration! Perhaps next year you can tell us how it went. Best of luck!
