The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #625964
Posted By: Mrrzy
11-Jan-02 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
SharonA, you're a hoot! If I were hosting, I'd consider it! And the nephew in question already hosts (well, his Mom does) Thanksgiving, and boy was it Kosher this year, and while we all made fun of it to each other but NOT TO THE ONE WHO INSISTED, it went fairly well, even if we DID have to lie to Mom and pretend there was butter in the mashed potatoes (Now who's being dysfuncitonal???) which were made with marge and soy milk and were the best mashed pots I ever ate, having been made with baked potatoes. And the Christian niece doesn't call herself anything more precise than Christian, but she doesn't confess so I guess that makes her Protestant, yes? And she is The Keeper of All Traditions (no you can't sit there, that isn't where you sat last year and the year before...) and SHE doesn't mind taking the angels off the tree... much... so there is hope!