The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #626062
Posted By: CapriUni
11-Jan-02 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Mrrzy --

Yes, I know that the solstice happens all over the world (at least for those who live a certian number of degrees lattitude north and south of the equator). But a winter solstice has a different emotional connotation than a summer solstice, which is why I only specified the Northern Hemisphere in my post.

As for the decorating of my tree (which you specifically asked about in your opening post and I never seemed to get around to mentioning), I top it with a stylized sun cut from paper, and painted with iridescent copper paint. Other ornaments (also of paper -- I have two cats and don't want to do anything breakable) included spirals to represent the turning cycle of life, and "valentine" hearts. Next year, I'm thinking of decorating the tree with silk flowers, and little toy plastic animals, such as you can in stores specializing in "educational" toys, so that the tree truly represents the "Tree of Life"... But my imagination perrenially gets away from me, so don't count on it.

:::Toungue firmly planted in cheek, here:::

If members of your family insist on having something with wings on the top of your tree, why not do a representation of a dove?

You could keep the peace by telling the Christians that it represents the Holy Ghost which impregnated Mary, the Jewish lad and the Muslims that it represents the dove that Noah sent out, representing God's covenant with Man, and for the Atheists, it's just a nice looking bird, which, like the evergreens, represents the birds that will return in the spring ;-)