The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43027   Message #626357
Posted By: Max
12-Jan-02 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: A Heartfelt Thank You From Max
Subject: A Heartfelt Thank You From Max
Wow, you folks are great. Sent the bill for 2 months of connectivity today. I'll send 2 months of electricity on Monday. I'll get more specific on our fund raising by weekend's end, but let me tell you, it was great. I think we got almost 6 months worth. I am truly touched by all of the letters I got full of kind words and cold hard cash. You folks are the kindest bunch of folkies there ever could be. Emily tells me I better do something special for all of you, so the thinking cap is on. I love you all, and I'll be in touch with each of you soon. Thank you.