The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #627552
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
14-Jan-02 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Just a sudden flash of inspiration (Careful - I need to lie down in a minute...) When Gnome the Younger #1 (Andrew - Brought up Catholic, of Russian Orthodox and Cossack decent.) married to his now missus (Lee - good Jewish upbringing - still sticks to certain bits) Neither particulary wanted a civic ceremony as they felt these were a bit austere. They compromised on a Unitarian service. It consisted of bits of both customs and was a really beutiful experience. Everyone on both sides seemed to be happy with the idea - even my Dad who is a real Christian traditionalist and still Russian Orthodox at heart!

I could be wrong (usualy am!) But I understand that the Unitarian faith acknowledges the existance of Christ (and happily accepts the prophets of other religions) but does not believe in Christ as part of the 'Holy Trinity' and therefore is not Christian by the standard definitions.

Anyone know if it is worth more investigation? I would be interested as well - particularly if it means I can celebrate even more;-)


Dave the Gnome