The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1755   Message #6276
Posted By: Wolfgang Hell
05-Jun-97 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sedgefield Fair
Subject: Lyr Add: SEDGEFIELD FAIR (from R. Palmer)
(From: R. Palmer, Book of English Country Songs)

Owd Dickie Thompson 'e 'ad a grey mare,
E' took 'er away to Sedgefield Fair.
'E browt 'er back, oh, yis, 'e did,
Because 'e 'adn't a farthin' bid.

Ch: Singing titi fa lerie, fire up Mary, up to the jigs of Sedgefield Fair.

Now he turned her away into Wragby Wood,
He thowt his owd mare might deea some good;
But seh ran her owd heead right intiv a tree:
'Gor dang'; said Dick, 't'owd mare 'll dee.

Now he browt some hay all in a scuttle;
Her poor owd belly began to ruttle.
He browt her some corn all in a sieve:
'Gor dang', says Dick, 't'owd mare'll live.

Now he took her away into t' field to ploo,
To see what good his owd mare could do.
But at ivvery end she let a great fart:
'Gor dang', says Dick, we'll ploo till dark.

Now all his sheep got intiv his fog
And he sent away home for t' black and white dog;
And at ivverv end he gave a great shout,
Was: Get away by 'em and fetch 'em out.

Then all his hens got intiv his corn
And he swore he would shoot 'em as sure as he's born;
So he got his owd gun and he squinted and squared,
But he missed t' owd hens and shot his grey mare.

I took the spelling as I found it in the book. I know I have the song on record or tape and I'll add later information on that.

Regards, Wolfgang