The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42962   Message #627632
Posted By: SharonA
14-Jan-02 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: De-Christianizing Christmas

Mrrzy: Over the weekend, I remembered something told to me by a Jewish boyfriend I once had, with whom I lived for two years: He said he felt threatened by me because I have a lot of Hallmark ornaments (Christmas and other) that I displayed in what was then "our" place, and because my brother has two Norman Rockwell prints on the wall at his place. He said these things reminded him of the persecution of Jews by Christians. I said he was being oversensitive since (a) though I was raised by fundamentalist Protestants to be a hard-ass Christian, I've rejected that plan for my life and don't worship Christ or consider myself a Christian at all; (b) far from persecuting him, I accepted him into my home to live with me; and (c) though Rockwell's artwork and humor appeal to me, I didn't and don't display any of his prints myself!! I argued in vain that since my embarrassingly overly-cutesy figurines didn't symbolize anything to me, my display of them shouldn't be taken as a threat to him.

Just one of the many little (and not-so-little) differences we had that eventually broke up the relationship!