The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43107   Message #628357
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
15-Jan-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: MORE ON de-Xing Xmas - continued
Subject: RE: MORE ON de-Xing Xmas - continued
On a completely different tack and hopefuly adding a bit of light relief let me tell you what our local councils views on Jehovahs Witnesses is.

We had a local public swimming pool. Built many years ago, 1920's I think. It had become a little worse for wear, including large cracks in the structure. When the council suggested pulling it down there was the usual outcry about destroying local heritage etc. I was in agreemenet with the preservationists and wrote to the council asking why they could not restore the fine building rather than pull it down and go to expense of building a new one. I got a standard response that as the area was subject to mining subsidence it was unsafe to have a public building on the same site.

Coudn't argue of course as safety is paramount but I was intrigued when some years later building work began on the same site. Some months later I discovered what the building was - A Kingdom Hall for Jehovahs Witnesses! Apparantly the council either don't consider JW's public or believe them exempt from standard safety rules. (Because of divine intervention?)

Anyway - nothing to do with the thread - sorry - but talk of the JW's reminded me and I'm sat twidling my thumbs at work...;-)


Dave the Gnome