The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43082   Message #628389
Posted By: DougR
15-Jan-02 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pres. Bush in pretzel choking drama
Subject: RE: BS: Pres. Bush in pretzel choking drama
WW: Don't you think that if there were "more" to this story than the public has been told that the White House would have come up with something less creative than swallowing a pretzel? Examples:

He was sleep walking and walked into a wall.

He encountered Osma bin Laden in the pantry while searching for the peanutbutter and they got into a fist fight.

There was a temporary electrical outage at the White House and GWB bumped into Cheney when he dashed up the stairs from his bomb shelter to see why the lights went out.

Bush bumped his head on the headboard while perfoming one one of his husbandly benefits.

I just think the pretzel story is just too outrageous not to be true. As to whether it has happened to others, evidently it has. I watched an interview with a doctor on either CNN or Fox News Network who indicated it was not an unusual occurance, although not always due to a pretzel.

But I won't rain on your parade folks. Have fun! :>)
